Monday, August 30, 2010

Back to more updates!

This past year has been rather hectic. So as a goal for myself for the rest of the year, I hope to have a new video at least every 2 weeks, if not more often. Here's an old one from a bit ago (played on an Mike Pereira "MP" custom ukulele).

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Update: A Whole New World

Disney classics are great. And I'm starting to write songs. uh oh...

From Aladdin: A Whole New World

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

2 months since the last update!? + New Cover

Wow, I didn't realize that it has been so long since I last updated this blog. But its okay, right? As long as the next post has another video to slap onto this thing, I think I'll be in the clear. This one is a pretty famous Dean Martin song (although it was originally written by Pablo Beltran Ruiz "Quien Sera") and I've been actually playing this one to myself a lot. I just never got a definitive version down until now. That bridge part was a tricky one to get for me.

Other news, I'm starting to record mp3 copies of everything and will probably post them up for downloads within several months. I really want these to be in tip-top shape so even that estimate is rough. I'll have to see how it goes though.

Until next time, kids.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Because We Were Young (Original)

I haven't been idle in Sweden. I just haven't found sufficient recording equipment here now that my previous laptop died and the new one doesn't have as good of a microphone input as the previous. But I think I've gotten a handle on things and will be getting back to some recording.

This one reminds of the outrageous amount of energy I used to have as a kid. It makes me reminisce of the days when my brother and I would play stickball with our cousins and neighbors for hours. We didn't need to stay inside to keep us occupied because outside was our home and we didn't need much to keep us happy and smiling.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Just a little something I've been playing for a long time but haven't uploaded a video for.

P.S. UK update: English schools are snobby. English people sound posh and bus services in town are horrible.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New Video - Untitled

Back for a video update this time. Even though it seems like I've taken another hiatus, I've kept up with some personal music study of mine. I'm breezing through a book, "Music Theory for Dummies," to see if it'll help with some composing further down the road. I'm sure it will. I've also picked up a couple more songs to play on the uke. I'll probably upload another instrumental video today to just show a popular song that can be played on the uke the uke.

We'll have to wait and see when I finish recording that one.

Cheers from the UK (at least for the next 2 months)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Another Classical Piece

A bit distracted from doing a pandango take, I learned another piece entitled "Ave Maria". This is one of my favorite classical pieces and I hope to do a bit of a project in classical music in the future as well.

I implemented a new flash player since the old one died. Pretty nifty gadget I think. It's a good temporary fix.

But until the next time, enjoy!